Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Breakfast on Mount Pleasent

Buckingham's Location
Tuesday kicks off at a slightly more reasonable time in the morning at Mount Pleasant Playing Fields.

At the beginning of this adventure, Carolyn wanted to highlight the importance of parenting in the earlier years, especially between the age of 0-5.

After some research we discovered a fantastic programme that shared the same belief and worked with families to make sure they could get the help they needed to make this possible.

Sure Start Children’s Centres are there to specifically help and support families with children under the age of 5. They provide a network of help that is there for anyone,  whether its parents who are expecting, carers of children under 5 such as foster parents, childminders and the extended family such as grandparents.

The centres offer help from every aspect of life:
  • help with finding childcare and/or early learning services
  • health
  • family support
  • housing
  • help with getting back into work and training
  • drop-in activities

These are just a few examples of how a children’s centre might benefit anyone’s needs, even if you are simply looking to meet other parents.

Working with numerous outside partners, such as Chapter 1 Housing, which helps provide housing for parents in need, or your local GP, Children’s Centres are able to deal with any issues that may be brought to them, big or small. And if they are unable to find the necessary help within their structure then they will look outside and find someone who can.

Children’s Centres are based throughout the whole of the UK and there are 35 in Buckinghamshire alone so wherever you live there will always be one locally.

The Buckingham Centre has been running for 5 and a half years and in conjunction with Steeple Claydon’s Children’s Centre.

If you would like to find out anymore about what it is Children’s Centres do, how they can help you, or where your local centre is located follow this link to their website.

Or for the Buckingham Children's Centre contact Ann Winsor:
01280 821467


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