Sunday, 16 September 2012

A round up of Day One...

After a beautifully sunny day yesterday for the Big Olney Food Festival, we woke up today with slightly larger waste lines and greyer skies. But luckily not everyone was put off and we managed a good crowd to see the Sheriff and her posse off in style. Here is what the High Sheriff had to say about her first day in the saddle.

"In sight of Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire , Olney at the northern tip of Buckinghamshire was a splendid point from which to embark on the first leg of my Charity Ride. Mayors, museum staff and a goodly crowd were present to send us on our way. The diverting history of John Gilpin, the poem that brought William Cowper into the limelight was orated by David Gooderson as we left the market square in good order, determined not to suffer the same fate as poor John Gilpin.

We crossed the Great Ouse and made our way through Emberton County Park, a fabulous resource offering walks, cycle paths and a bridleway along the banks of the river. No wonder Cowper was inspired by the lush willows and reeds that line the meadows an either side. Sunday was a busy day in the park, some setting sail, some fishing, some walking and some joining in an adventurous looking raft race.

Heading up the hill, the views opened out over rolling countryside and half forgotten rural villages. Filgrave is one such. A tiny parish but with an enlightened Edwardian philanthropist, who gave the village a splendid new school and reading room in 1911. A proper community facility, the Reading Room was a place to catch up on weekly news and - no doubt- the weekly gossip. The building still houses an independent school for children aged 2-7. Next door is another architectural feature of same notoriety. A solid brick clock tower designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, commemorating the coronation of George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1937. The arched entrance now forms what is surely the best bus stop in Bucks!

Riding on past Tyringham Church we crossed The Ouse once more, turning round in our saddles to admire another famous architect's contribution to this corner of the north of the county, Tyringham Hall. A superb house by Sir John Soane with a breathtaking views over the parkland to a stone bridge and gatehouse.

The meandering Ouse and its valley laced with lakes, which have taken over old gravel pits, made for a rural backdrop as we rode into Newport Pagnell Youth Club. 

The Club is celebrating it 40th birthday, clearly a big success for the town with activities for pre-school right through to adult teenagers preparing for university. Lots of families turned out to see "a fine Sheriff on her white horse". There was some excellent singing from a group of older girls whilst some enthusiastic artwork from a younger group gave a delightful artistic end to day one."         


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